According to air conditioning experts, one of the most common and important hazards that you need to look out for around your home is overloaded circuits. This is because if you begin to plug numerous appliances in the same circuit, an overload could occur and cause a fire in your home. Thankfully, experts say that preventing overloaded circuits can be easily achieved.

Here are the different ways you can prevent your home’s circuits from overloading.
Don’t turn on too many things at the same time. To prevent overloading your home’s circuits, experts strongly recommend that you avoid turning too many appliances on at the same time. For instance, when vacuuming, don’t turn on your TV or sound system at the same time. Not only would you be wasting energy, but you could cause your circuit wiring to overheat as well, causing an overload in the process.
Install new circuits. On the other hand, if you have high-demand devices, heating repair pros recommend that you install new circuits before you use them to prevent overloading. For example, if you’re the type to use a lot of power tools in your garage but all the room’s outlets and lights are wired up to the same 15-amp circuit, consider installing a new 20-amp circuit to give your tools a few new outlets and avoid circuit overloading.
Reduce your lighting loads. Finally, you can also prevent overloading your home’s circuits by reducing its lighting loads. To accomplish this, electricians say that you can replace your incandescent or halogen light bulbs with LED or CFL lights, as they’re far more energy efficient and use up a lot less energy compared to other bulbs.
If you need electrical assistance for your home, simply turn to Broom Heating & Air Conditioning. When it comes to HVAC repair and replacement projects, we’re the number one service providers to approach, and we won’t let you down! Give us a call at (803) 754-5466 or fill out our contact form to get a FREE estimate and enlist our services today!