Indoor humidity levels can affect not only your HVAC system’s performance but also your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Broom Heating & Air Conditioning, your local residential and commercial HVAC contractor, discusses more in this blog.

Humidity & Your Cooling Needs
An efficient air conditioning system removes heat and moisture to ensure indoor comfort. Otherwise, you likely wouldn’t achieve the comfort level you desire, regardless of the temperature setting on your thermostat. This is especially true if the unit is nearing the end of its service life or you have an incorrectly-sized system.
Certain factors will tell you if there’s excess moisture in your home. For one, the air will be moist, or have that so-called “sticky” feeling. Also, you might notice a damp or musty smell in some parts of your home. Investing in a dehumidifier is an efficient way to lower indoor humidity levels in the summer. A knowledgeable HVAC installation contractor can find the right product to integrate into your AC unit.
Humidity & Your Heating Needs
Low humidity is a common problem homeowners experience during the heating season. Inefficient heating systems can cause moisture to drop to the point that your home feels a lot cooler than it actually is. Discomfort from various health problems like dry skin and nasal passages, as well as damaged furniture and flooring, often result from a lack of moisture during the winter.
Adding more moisture to the indoor air is possible with a humidifier. Like the dehumidifier, it can be installed directly on your heating unit to help improve HVAC performance.
Broom Heating & Air Conditioning is the contractor to turn to if you need to improve your home’s humidity levels. We provide solutions that can help boost your home’s comfort regardless of the season. We can also be counted on to meet all your electrical needs. Get in touch with our licensed electrician by giving us a call at (803) 754-5466. You may also fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.